Saturday 30 October 2010

The website that dare not speak its name?

It's been a strange week, I was prepared for it being busy, and it has not disappointed on that front, work has been manic and finding time for my council duties difficult, however it all fell into place eventually. That with three yes three games of skittles has fully occupied all of my time.

Monday's meeting of MDC Cabinet and the Corporate Management Team went well and plans for the future are progressing, nomination skittles Monday night was an organisational nightmare, and I was on the verge of elimination at the first hurdle when a 15 spare on the last hand saved my bacon and I progressed through to the last 8 to be played in January.

Tuesday evening saw the Central Mendip Community Partnership meeting in Wells. An interesting meeting on several fronts, Mr Dunscombe as is his raison detre, decided to have yet another go at the Partnerships decision to support the Bristol Academy of Performing Arts in 2008. It's very easy to be smart with 20/20 hindsight if only we all had that benefit. The partnership's decision was taken with due care and with the information we had available at the time. The decision of the partnership was unanimous with Conservative and Lib Dem councillors voting in favour, Mr Dunscombe was told that he would not be getting an apology no matter how many times he demands one.

On the other hand the Steering Group of Shepton's section 106 monies put forward proposals to spend some of its funds on refurbishing the town centre seating and litter bins, and to improve the lighting of the Market Square. These proposals, miracle of miracles seemed to find favour with both Mr Dunscombe and Terry Marsh, and will go ahead. Its not often those two agree with me. Later on in the meeting even Gloria Cawood said "I agree with John", well I was shocked, three opponents agreeing with me in one meeting, I left immediately before they changed their mind!!! Skittles Tuesday night was pretty dire and we lost miserably.

Our new Lib Dem councillors website (well he says its not his, but he registered it and told the world about it) is still full of a daily dose of vitriol. Not only that, but its claims to be "independent" are far from the truth. The website regularly sensors comment that it does not wish to publish, I have had complaints that critical comment has been censored and not published. He really should come clean, as its obviously a Lib Dem website then say so, don't be shy, Lib Dems' are not normally shy about negative campaigning, if it is genuinely independent then publish your critics comments as well, but lets not pretend that there is not a political game going on here. As I've said before, and it's worth repeating, I have no problem with robust political debate, and the recently added political discussion forum on the website will certainly give all local politicians and members of the public somewhere to air their views, I do however take issue when blatant inaccuracies are published, purporting to be the truth.

For example, our local Lib Dems state on their website that "Mendip District Council are £2 million in debt" when in fact Mendip has zero debt, it is a debt free authority, it states that I have been on the side of Tesco and "big business" in planning applications, when in fact I voted against the Tesco application, against Costa Coffee and against Dobbies Garden Centre, it states that I have been plotting to overthrow Harvey Siggs as leader of the council, when in fact he has had my complete support in the past and will continue to receive it for as long as he wants it, and today I see that it says that I have been attemptng to have their precious website closed down, which is also a complete fabrication. So no more lies please, come clean, stop pretending to be independent when clearly you are not.

Back to the past week, the Town Council Community Development working party on Wednesday evening failed to reach agreement on plans for the coming year, so that will have to be re-visited, and joy of joys we won at skittles, not by many, but a win is a win (bit like elections really!!!).

Busy week again next week, I'll be on the radio on Monday morning, BBC Somerset Sound at 8:30 am to talk about the Bath and West Showground development, then meeting Monday afternoon with the Car Park Team to put the final touches to my voucher parking scheme (more next week I hope), Tuesday sees a meeting of the Full Town Council at 7pm in the Council Chamber, all welcome, and on Wednesday I have an all day meeting between the Senior officers at MDC, the Cabinet representatives and the management team of Capita to discuss the business support contract that Capita has with Mendip. This meeting is a regular occurrence and ensures that the contract is operating as it should, and is providing good services for the public at a competitive cost to the taxpayer.

I think that's all for now, more thoughts soon.

1 comment:

  1. No matter what your political views, it is nice to have an active councilor that is using his time and experience trying to look after Shepton and make an improvement."A massive job." He is a leader and a doer. Most people are followers and sit on their arse waiting for others to do something, then they complain, as always.
    Lets hope we get more Parhams in the years ahead, particularly in Shepton. And ones who do not have a financial gain, Re - Nora Fry Hospital. I cannot believe no one was prosecuted for that one. Monty Carlo springs to mind. Still, that is old news, or is it? Lets keep an eye out for the future as history has a habit of repeating itself.
    Good on you Mr Parham. Honesty and integrety at last.


Comments are welcome, I'm happy to publish anything that is not obscene or libelous, however I do not, as a matter of principle publish anonymous comments. I put my name to everything in this blog, if you want to be taken seriously, put your name to your comments!