Monday 28 March 2011

The Final Act of Folly.

Just less than a year ago, in the week immediately following the General Election, the National Press and TV concentrated themselves on the machinations going on in Westminster as the leaders of the various political parties conducted the horse trading that eventually led to the formation of the Coalition Government.

The discredited Labour government had been roundly rejected by the electorate, they had lost more seats in one night than in any other election in history and only the most myopic supporter could make a case that they should continue in government.

During that period of haitus, the outgoing government remained in place taking the day to day decisions that needed to be taken, you would have thought that being in the position that they were in, the Labour ministers would at least have consulted with David Cameron and his team on anything contentious, indeed it would have been understandable if they has said that they would defer any controverial decisions until after the government had been formed.

However, more or less unseen by the press or anyone else, during the weekend following the election, supported by Ed Balls and Ed Milliband, Alistair Darling, Chancellor of the Exchequer and puppet to Gordon Brown, sloped off the Europe to have a conference with other finance ministers.

As part ofd that conference, Darling signed us up to be part of the  European stability pact. It wasn't widely reported at the time, the press were more interested in the love-in between David Cameron and the Cleggmeister, but how that final act of folly has already come home to roost.

By signing up to this "pact", Darling commited this country to being part of the "bail out" contributors to every lame duck economy in Europe. Greece and Ireland have already had billions from us, this week Portugal has come cap in hand needing cash, it is estimated that they will get £3 billion from this country alone, and that is without the spectre of both Spain and Italy on the horizon who both have debt mountains that make the others pale into insignificance.

So not content with bankrupting our economy, Darling and his cronies have committed us to being the money box for the rest of the Eurozone countries, even when we are not part of the Euro. That final act of folly must be bodering on the illegal, he certainly had no mandate to sign up to such a deal, he apparently ignored George Osborne who pleaded with him not to sign.

Where will the arrogance of these New Labour politicians end.

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