Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Quitting the Euro - By Daniel Hannan - The Corner - National Review Online

Everyone should read this. Dan Hannan nearly always makes sense, this time he hits the nail firmly on the head.

Quitting the Euro - By Daniel Hannan - The Corner - National Review Online

1 comment:

  1. In view of the Prime Ministers exhortation to pay off credit card debts (now changed as the impact of that statement was realised)it is ironic to note that the Hannan web-site has a banner advert for Mecca Bingo - another sure fire way of stimulating growth. Major introduced the lottery and one of the Blair regeneration strategies was based on super-casinos so plague on both their houses.

    Back to the Euro. Hannan makes some interesting points but one of the problems in Greece is a lack of political will to anything for fear of riots etc. That will be the case if the euro ceases so it still causes problems for international bankers with knock on effects on the reserve asset ratios (recently increased in the UK so limiting what can be lent, but if we pay it all back that won't be a problem because it will all be there) so is closing down the Euro the answer? Sticking to the rules may be the answer. Of course, if Mr Heath and told us all what was in the treaty when he signed it (not discussed in parliament due to the use of an enabling bill, nodded through by the faithful grey suits) we would not be where we are now.



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