Sunday 27 November 2011

Labour in hock to their paymasters.

With public sector strikes due to occur this week, the Labour party is in its normal state of turmoil and inaction. MP after MP have been hitting the airwaves this weekend but what have they been saying?

Not once have I heard any sort of condemnation of these strikes that will hit the people that they are so called supposed to be representing harder than anyone else, and why is this happening, simple really, they can't condemn this reckless action because the unions bankroll the party to the tune of 89% of their total income, and if the unions pull the plug the whole sorry lot would have to find a job and work for a living.

Then to pour more pressure on the hapless Milliband and his useless crew, we have seen this week a Freedom of Information request report regarding full time trade union officials working in the public sector.

There are a small army of teachers, nurses, and council workers that are paid to do a job, but in fact all they do is carry out full time union activities. In effect we have government paid officials being paid to agitate against the government, how crazy is that?

The FOI request shows that there are now at least 2,840 of these non-workers, who instead of being paid to teach or nurse, or regulate the paperclips, are funded to do trade union activity, on office time, in the office. Guido Fawkes the political blogger puts the suggested total bill to the taxpayer of £113m down as a conservative estimate. Several government departments did not respond to the FOI request, so it is inevitable that the actual figure is considerably higher

These individuals are using free office space, heat, light, IT etc etc that should be charged to the union at commercial rates which also bumps up the final bill considerably. In addition to this bill, we the taxpayer, are also paying for another individual to do the job that these full time union workers are failing to do because of their union activities, you really couldn't make it up.

If union members want people to work for them on their behalf, then they should fund them through their union subs, the taxpayer should have no part in it at all. In effect all that is happening is the taxpayer via the government are directly funding the Labour party, this has got to stop.

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